Rafiki working on two videos

After a long absence from the stage, Rafiki Mazimpaka has made a dynamic comeback. The singer is shooting two music videos; ‘In Love’, featuring Shanel, and ‘Boom Boom’, with Bacti, both to be released in March, 2011.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

After a long absence from the stage, Rafiki Mazimpaka has made a dynamic comeback.

The singer is shooting two music videos; ‘In Love’, featuring Shanel, and ‘Boom Boom’, with Bacti, both to be released in March, 2011.

In an interview, Rafiki said the videos will be launched at his fifth anniversary in music, sometime this year.
Famous for his Coga style, the singer promised his fans the videos will be groovy and that they will not have to wait for so long, before  watching them.

Beneath his veneer of shyness lies a bold man, and when he opens up, out comes a person who knows his notes, and how to strike the right chords to stay on track. Rafiki knows exactly what his fans want to listen and to dance to.

"My music is aimed at making people happy. I sing about life, love, peace, work and keeping the pride of culture,” Rafiki said.

Rafiki ventured into music in 1998 and has released more than 32 singles and two albums.

Besides his countless performances, Rafiki has also performed alongside several international musicians, like P-Square, Brick and Lace, Sean Paul, Shaggy and Lauryn Hill.
