Simba, my favourite dog

Uwera Shanice is 10 years old and studies in class four at Kigali Parents School. She owns a dog, Simba that is almost her age. Uwera shared her captivating story with The children’s times.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Uwera Shanice is 10 years old and studies in class four at Kigali Parents School. She owns a dog, Simba that is almost her age. Uwera shared her captivating story with The children’s times.

Simba of seven years spent two days in custody but was later released as there was sufficient evidence that he had been immunized against all the killer diseases, especially rabies.

"We had immunized him so there was enough reason to set him free,” said Shanice with a jolly face.

Simba was born on 14th February 2000, on Valentine’s Day.
He celebrates his birthday and Valentines Day with a good meal of meat.

When he was still a puppy, Simba ate meat and drank milk; this made him grow into a fat and healthy giant. Every stranger and visit fears him. Surprisingly, Uwera does not fear Simba. She seldom bathes him whenever she has the opportunity.

"I love him so much because he is so kind to me. He does not bark at me because he is my best friend,” Shanice said.
