Pierre Kayitana begins shooting debut movie

Pierre Kayitana has began shooting his first movie the ‘Return Ticket’, an exercise that will conclude in January 24, 2011. The Hillywood producer and director of Rwanda Cinema Centre, has stepped behind the cameras to make the 20-minute feature movie, which he co-directs. Its produced by Rwanda Cinema Centre.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Pierre Kayitana

Pierre Kayitana has began shooting his first movie the ‘Return Ticket’, an exercise that will conclude in January 24, 2011.

The Hillywood producer and director of Rwanda Cinema Centre, has stepped behind the cameras to make the 20-minute feature movie, which he co-directs. Its produced by Rwanda Cinema Centre.

Kayitana is shooting from Kigali City, with local actors. He says the crew is working tirelessly.

"We shoot only over the weekends and all the scenes are done in English,” Kayitana said.

Since his first documentary in 2005 ‘Behind These Walls’, Kayitana has been helping local filmmakers to make their own movies.

The 24-year-old film producer has also worked with International productions, including Dallaire, Tribeca Film Festival, NHK Japan, Aljazeera, and CNN.

Kayitana, who was inspired by George Walton Lucas, an American film producer, screenwriter, director and founder/chairman of Lucasfilm Ltd, said the latter encouraged him to start working on his own films.

"Lucas told me I was lucky to live in Rwanda, and being in film not like in the USA, where they have thousands of filmmakers,” he noted.


Paul, a policeman from Liechtenstein, has to extradite Fidele, a suspected war criminal. Upon arrival at Kigali International Airport, Paul realises his ticket is a one-way.

He asks for a ticket, but a one-way to Europe is more expensive than a return ticket, so he decides to buy a return ticket and the next flight available is only three days later.

The taxi driver Innocent, promises Paul to take him to the Volcano National Park to see the gorillas.

However, Innocent could not miss his older sister’s wedding in Huye, so he invites Paul as a special guest. On their way through the beautiful landscapes of Rwanda, Paul falls in love with the country and Innocent’s beautiful younger sister, Shan.

Coincidentally, they discover that Fidele, who was mistaken for some one else, was a brother to Innocent and Shan.

The next day, a flat tire delays their journey to the gorillas. But for sure, Paul will come back because he has booked a ‘Return Ticket’ to Rwanda.
