No communication for months after applying for bids

Editor, Thanks for the great job you are doing to inform the Rwandan people on a daily basis. Two years ago I opened up a company to do business. It took me only two days to get my registration and kick started my business. On several occasions, I have applied for bids in different companies after reading adverts in the press.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Thanks for the great job you are doing to inform the Rwandan people on a daily basis. Two years ago I opened up a company to do business. It took me only two days to get my registration and kick started my business. On several occasions, I have applied for bids in different companies after reading adverts in the press.

As bidders, we wait with anxiety when the bid is submitted.
However, after waiting with bated breath, several private and public bodies remain silent on whether the tenders were cancelled, lost the bid or the winner of the tender- despite taking our ‘none refundable fees’!

How could I know why my bid was not successful? Indeed, not all bidders can win tenders, but some people even despair that their companies cannot win any tender because of the communication gap. 

I request the concerned authorities to explain what is happening.

This problem does not cut across all bodies but a few like RECO/RESCO, KCB and those which give us feed back deserve credit for being open.

Please we need an explanation.

K. L. Kiyemba