RIAM trains civil and local leaders

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — The Rwanda Institute of Administration and Management (RIAM) on Friday awarded certificates of merit to 34 local leaders and civil servants who had completed five-day training in administration and management skills.

Monday, February 11, 2008


MUHANGA — The Rwanda Institute of Administration and Management (RIAM) on Friday awarded certificates of merit to 34 local leaders and civil servants who had completed five-day training in administration and management skills.

The participants composed of 14 women who under went training in administrative competence, and men who trained in governance and local management.

The training was facilitated by visiting professors from the Canadian National School of Public Administration (ENAP) in conjunction with RIAM, geared towards capacity building among leaders.

Restituta Mukantagara, a RIAM official said: "RIAM is committed to training all leaders in order to increase on their competence in administration."

She added: "The group will be able to teach others and use the skills in their day to day operations in order to improve service delivery in their respective institutions."

One of the participants told journalists that the acquired skills are essential for all women leaders pursuing leadership positions.

"I have learnt a lot on emotional management and managing staff which starts with self evaluation and knowing my personality. However, it is important that more women are empowered with similar skills for them to ably vie for leadership positions," Marie Rose Mukanyamwasa, the Electrogaz Human Resource Head said.

According to RIAM officials, the group will be followed up and evaluated on the implementation of the acquired skills.
