
We are all bound to face criticism, no matter our position in life. Whether you are a teacher, doctor, president, athlete or just an ordinary person; as long as you are human, you will be criticized. Criticism is a human instinct and a fact of life, it is inevitable. Therefore, we can only learn to live with it and any attempt to run away from criticism can only worsen a situation.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We are all bound to face criticism, no matter our position in life. Whether you are a teacher, doctor, president, athlete or just an ordinary person; as long as you are human, you will be criticized.

Criticism is a human instinct and a fact of life, it is inevitable. Therefore, we can only learn to live with it and any attempt to run away from criticism can only worsen a situation. I am not an expert as far as dealing with criticism is concerned, but I know one thing or two;  I can  share a few  tips on how to handle it and from what I have gathered from my personal experience (which has worked wonders for me), I am confident that this is helpful.

The best way to firmly deal with criticism is to believe in yourself, believe in your perspectives, ideas, the path you have chosen and, the decisions you have made. People’s negative criticism and comments will soon die out when they notice that you have a tremendous amount of self confidence.

Listen to the words of your critics, extract any value these words may provide and yes, it may appear negative or harsh but containing some bits of truth. We should learn to invite constructive criticism and appreciate different suggestions.

Ignore false criticism. Sometimes we are criticized with no cause or justification, it may be painful and frustrating but one important option is to stand aloof and ignore it, and get back to what you were doing.

Stop seeking approval.

Don’t try to impress or get your critics to see your point. Do your business independently and do not rely on their opinion or approval of what you are doing. Whether or not they believe in you, you have to believe in yourself first. That is the only way you will be able to create a life out of your dreams.

Never respond to criticism immediately because it is best to wait a little. If we respond with feelings of anger and injured pride we may regret it. Waiting patiently helps us to respond in a calmer and logical way.

Smile: Even a fake smile can help you relax. It creates a more positive vibration and soothes a situation. It helps psychologically by downplaying the criticism to sound as a joke.