Rwandans should embrace the use of ATMS

Editor, It seems there are some Rwandans who are reluctant to embrace modernity. The country is moving towards becoming a regional Information Technology hub and Rwandans should make use of the fast developing IT.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It seems there are some Rwandans who are reluctant to embrace modernity. The country is moving towards becoming a regional Information Technology hub and Rwandans should make use of the fast developing IT.

People are queueing in Banks and yet they could use Automated Teller Machines (ATM) .

I would like to call-upon my fellow citizens that the ATMs are very easy to use, less time consuming and reduce the time someone spends lining up in the banks. 

I would like to commend Kigali Bus Services (KBS) for the introduction of cards payment service.

The service will save passengers the risk of having to travel with cash and I hope it will also reduce on the time wasted paying the conductor and then waiting for change. 

Saul Mbaraga