English language usage good move

Editor, I wish to commend the Ministry of Education for its directive that will see all schools adopt the use of English as a medium of instruction, this academic year. Personally, I think this announcement came late.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
English Language usage comes into full force this year (File Photo)


I wish to commend the Ministry of Education for its directive that will see all schools adopt the use of English as a medium of instruction, this academic year. Personally, I think this announcement came late.

English is a widely spoken language and by allowing our children to learn and practice it in schools, the government is laying a firm foundation for the future.
Rwanda is also a member of the East African Community, and many other blocks that have English as a common official language.

This is a productive move and I urge all Rwandans to embrace it.

The benefits are multiple, especially as we strive to transform the country’s economy to attract more investiment.
And, on an individual level, Rwandans will be able to compete favourably on the job market.
Edward Rutayisire