Poor turn up in Gicumbi as schools reopen

GICUMBI - There was a low students turn up at several secondary schools in Byumba Sector, as schools opened yesterday for the first term, with some schools not registering any student. At various schools visited by The New Times, there were a handful of students present, while others had none.At Academie de la Salle, no student in Senior One to Senior Three reported.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

GICUMBI - There was a low students turn up at several secondary schools in Byumba Sector, as schools opened yesterday for the first term, with some schools not registering any student.

At various schools visited by The New Times, there were a handful of students present, while others had none.
At Academie de la Salle, no student in Senior One to Senior Three reported.

The classes were empty, except a few nursery going children who were seen playing around the school compound.
The school’s headmaster, Brother Maurice Burasa, attributed the poor turn up to fees clearance.

"There are long lines of students clearing school fees at banks, which is why they have not reported to school on the first day,” said Burasa.

At Byumba’s GS de La Salle Boarding High School, the school Bursar, Desire
Murengerantwari, said the low students turn up was due to transport problems, especially students hailing from other provinces.

"Out of 410 students expected to have reported at the school, less than 200 have so far arrived,” said Murengerantwari, adding that most were likely to report later in the day.

The headmaster of GS APAPEB High School, Jean D’ Amour Uwiringiyimana, said only 25 students had reported at the school on the first day out of 450 expected.

Asked if the delay would not affect the study programme, Uwiringiyimana explained that the first week was meant for supplementary exams for senor four and five students who failed last year.

"By the end of this week, most students will have reported to commence their studies uninterrupted,” he said.
