Byumba Anglican Bishop inaugurated

GICUMBI - The new Bishop for Byumba Anglican Church Diocese, Emmanuel Ngendahayo, was officially inaugurated, yesterday, at a colourful ceremony held at Gicumbi stadium. Ngendahayo replaced Onesphore Rwaje, who was transferred to head the newly created Gasabo Diocese and the new Archbishop-designate of the Anglican Church Province of Rwanda.

Sunday, January 09, 2011
Archbishop Kolini (R) hands over the Bishopu2019s Mass to Bishop Emmanuel Ngendahayo during the inauguration ceremony. (Photo by A.Gahene)

GICUMBI - The new Bishop for Byumba Anglican Church Diocese, Emmanuel Ngendahayo, was officially inaugurated, yesterday, at a colourful ceremony held at Gicumbi stadium.

Ngendahayo replaced Onesphore Rwaje, who was transferred to head the newly created Gasabo Diocese and the new Archbishop-designate of the Anglican Church Province of Rwanda.

The ceremony to inaugurate Bishop Ngendahayo was presided over by retired Archbishop, Emmanuel Kolini.

In his address to a mammoth of Christians who turned up for the inauguration, the Minister of Local Government, James Musoni, called upon the new bishop to work hand in hand with government entities, to realize unity and development of Rwandans.

"A good Christian leader is one who preaches the word of God while at the same time strives to promote unity of Rwandans, in addition to working closely with government to spearhead development,” Musoni said.

He urged the new Bishop to work tirelessly to promote spiritual growth among followers and be at the forefront in the fight against HIV/AIDS, poverty, the promotion of family planning, improving agriculture and livestock farming among others.

The outgoing Bishop Rwaje  advised his successor to work hand in hand with Pastors and development partners to strengthen the spiritual growth and economic development of the Diocese.

The Governor of Northern Province, Aime Bosenibamwe, hailed the outgoing bishop, for promoting education in the area.

"Bishop Rwaje is one of the founders of Byumba education development association (ADEB), which resulted into the present Byumba Polytechnic Institute (IPB)”, said Bosenibamwe.

The   inauguration  ceremony  was attended by the Anglican Church Dioceses Bishops from across the country and representatives from USA, Uganda, DR Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Tanzania.
