Nyagatare farmers vow to improve maize quality

BUGESERA - Maize farmers in Nyagatare district have agreed to increase the quality of maize production in the next seasons. The farmers, under their ‘Maize innovation platform’, made the decision on Saturday, during a two-day retreat in Gashora sector, Bugesera district.

Sunday, January 09, 2011
Members of Nyagatare Maize innovation platform and RIU officials during the retreat at La Palisse hotel in Gashora sector

BUGESERA - Maize farmers in Nyagatare district have agreed to increase the quality of maize production in the next seasons.

The farmers, under their ‘Maize innovation platform’, made the decision on Saturday, during a two-day retreat in Gashora sector, Bugesera district.

The retreat, organised and financed by Research into Use (RIU), a project that supports rural farmers in the districts of Nyagatare and Gatsibo in Eastern province and Gicumbi district in the Northern Province.

According to Augustin Mutijima, RIU country coordinator, the retreat was organised to help the farmers to discuss last year’s achievements and set goals for the next season.
"Every end of the year, members of the platform discuss maize production and set goals to promote quality maize production,” he said.

During the workshop, the platform members discussed a range of issues affecting maize production field especially the dry spell and market for their yields.

The prolonged dry spell is expected to reduce, by at least 20 percent,  the projected 88, 000 tonnes of maize production this season.

The platform members agreed to buy water pumping machines that will be used to irrigate gardens during the dry spell.

Lembo Butera, the chairman of Nyagatare maize innovation platform said in an interview that they will improve the quality of maize production in the next season.

He however highlighted a number of issues like lack of market for their yields, but added that they are encouraging maize farmers to join cross-border cooperative as a way of extending the market.

"We still have small market for our maize production but we have encouraged maize farmers and members of our platform to join cross-border cooperative with our Ugandan counterpart,” he said.  
