Perfect weekend…James Ruhumuriza

James Ruhumuriza, aka King James is a musician who has gradually won fans and been recognized as one of best artistes in the country. Below is how he spends his weekend;

Sunday, January 09, 2011

James Ruhumuriza, aka King James is a musician who has gradually won fans and been recognized as one of best artistes in the country. Below is how he spends his weekend;

My weekend starts very early compared to some people. It is always on from Thursday until Sunday evening. At around 5p.m, we meet as colleagues to plan for Friday and Saturday.

As we make plans, we as well discuss various issues related to the music industry.

On Friday morning, I make arrangements to put the home in order. I also get some time to watch a movie or two before lunch.

I always enjoy simple meals like rice, eggs and once in a while, I have sweet potatoes.

By 4p.m, I am home preparing to meet others, have a drink before setting off for a dance. On Friday, it’s a blast until morning, depending on where we decide to have it from.

On Saturday, I wake up very late and have something to eat immediately. After, I check my phone for any missed calls.

I spend the evening with my colleagues, but this time, I get home a bit early. Sunday is a holiday and after church, I stay home organizing for Monday. 

That is how I spend the weekend only if I do not have any performance. But If I happen to perform, I am kept tight throughout.

That is what makes my weekend perfect.