Relationships: A player beaten at his game

(A young woman’s story)as told to Martin Bishop by Susan I first heard about David when I was in my first year at the university, he was a notorious cheating bastard every one loved to hate. I was warned by my friends never to come near him, “He’s a heartless yellow- blooded insect!” Cathy said.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

(A young woman’s story)
as told to Martin Bishop by Susan

I first heard about David when I was in my first year at the university, he was a notorious cheating bastard every one loved to hate. I was warned by my friends never to come near him, "He’s a heartless yellow- blooded insect!” Cathy said.

Being that I wasn’t much into men or dating, I didn’t pay much attention to what they were telling me, one evening during my final year, I bumped into him at the guild canteen and indeed he was a handsome charming dude.

But over the years, I had developed this strong hatred for him, it was like I carried all the pain and tears girls cried when he cheated, used and dumped them like they were toilet-paper.

When he approached my table and politely asked if he could have the empty seat as there were no other vacant chair, I surprised myself when I agreed to let the filth excuse of a man to seat next to me.

"Stand up right now and go” my heart advised, I also felt this strong need to throw my drink to his cheating face, but did nothing of the sort. My body disobeyed my head; instead I sat comfortably and listened to his lame –tired lines.

Something inside of me wanted to hear and see the techniques he uses to lure the poor unsuspecting girls, like they say, ‘if you want to catch a killer you have to think like a killer’. I also took a trip into his wicked mind and tried to think and imagine his next step.

When he started to flirt with me, I also played along, I laughed to his jokes but inside I was burning with hate. He took my laughter’s and relaxed mood as a green light.

He confessed how he always liked me but failed to contact me, (as going for girls isn’t his thing).

"I can’t believe I’m talking to you Susan, you are not so arrogant or mean like most people think, are you?” he asked, devouring me with his eyes. "Well, don’t believe everything you hear,” I said, escorting it with a wild smile.

The evening went well, we agreed on meeting again, for three months he kept hanging on my case, I knew what he wanted, with my girls we were having so much fun making him dance to our music, and he even gave me the spare key to his apartment because he was sure I would never go there.

For all the time we were together he worked so hard to mask the rotten habits he possessed, he acted like the sweetest gentleman in the world.

He declared how much he loved me; how I’m the only girl his heart yearned for.
Cheating on me was easy, as I rarely went out to pubs or night clubs, one day, my friend Carol who knew about my game informed me that my ‘Fiancée’(as we used to call him)  was  out with a certain girl and planning to retire to his apartment with her.

Hearing this, an evil thought crossed my mind, what will be his reaction when he comes home with his catch and find me there? When I shared this with my friends, we got excited and the only way to find out was for me to go to his place and wait for him.

After creating a rescue back-up plan, (in case he comes alone) I prepared myself and left, I opened and went straight to bed, fear and excitement made my heart pump so hard threatening to break my ribcage.

At around four in the morning, the Casanova returned with his female escort, they sat and talked for a while, I could hear him feeding her the same familiar lies, ‘how she’s the only girl in his life’ and other rubbish!, this was enough!

I wanted out of this nasty game with this good for nothing man.

I slowly opened the bedroom door and joined them in the sitting room, first , I thought he was going to faint, his face turned white like ash ,his mouth fell open like he’s seen a ghost! Words totally failed him. He wasn’t a good player after all!