Muganza warns civil servants

KIGALI - Employees in the Public sector who switch to the Private sector soon after studying on government scholarships have been warned that they could face punishment.

Sunday, January 09, 2011
Angelina Muganza

KIGALI - Employees in the Public sector who switch to the Private sector soon after studying on government scholarships have been warned that they could face punishment.

This was revealed by the Executive secretary of the Public Service Commission’s Ms Angelina Muganza on Friday in an interview with the Sunday Times on various issues in the Public sector.

Muganza said that many employees prefer the public sector as their first employer due to the fact that chances of upgrading through government scholarships are high, but most of them, tend to be more opportunistic and ambitious leading to their switch to NGO’s soon after studies.

"This is unacceptable, if the employee is still in contract with the Public institution and the law provides that he or she serves it for a specific period after the studies before switching from the sector” she commented.

Muganza added that for a training of between three to six months, the employee is bound to a one year service, for six to 12 months long; two years, and three years for a those who received a more than 12 months training.

According to Muganza, Public sector servants training aims at helping the nation acquire competent human resource, and switching to another sector is not a crime but Public servants should abide by the provisions before they move.

She warned that anyone who went against the law was liable to legal punishment which includes paying back the money spent on him or her during the training, among others.

She also advised public servants who may be experiencing sexual harassments at their work places to report it to the commission.

"They should report such cases because it is an offence punishable by the law and they should not feel guilty.., it is the oppressor who should feel guilty instead,” she insisted.
