MTN gives out Rwf7m in “Rurangiza promo”

seven lucky subscribers of MTN Rwanda have each been given Rwf1 million in the company’s latest promotion called “Rurangiza Promotion”, company official announced yesterday.

Saturday, January 08, 2011
Innocent Bizimana gladly recieves his Rwf 1million cheque from MTN (File Photo)

seven lucky subscribers of MTN Rwanda have each been given Rwf1 million in the company’s latest promotion called "Rurangiza Promotion”, company official announced yesterday.

In the promotion, the telecom firm has lined-up Rwf100 million to be won with Rwf1 million for one daily winner and Rwf20 million for two monthly winners. The first Rwf20 million will be announced next week on January 14.

To enter the promotion, one has to be on the MTN network. Customers are required to send a text ‘WIN or ‘TSINDA’ using Short Message Service (SMS) to code 180. The automated system will then send the customer a question which must be responded to.

A customer wins 20 points for every correct answer to accumulate bonus points that enable them to participate more.

"When they announced the first winners, that is when I took the promotion very serious and I set myself a target of winning. I am very happy to have reached the target,” Jean Bosco Kanyarukato, one of the seven luck winners said.

Draws for the winners are held every Friday.
"People have responded positively to the promotion, especially after witnessing that the promotion wasn’t a hoax,” MTN’s Chief Operations Officer, Andrew Rugege said.

Rugege also called-up female subscribers to enter the competition, saying that for the past three draws most winners are male subscribers.
