Father Nsengiyunva should have his day in court too

Editor, I wish to react to an article published in your newspaper, yesterday, titled “Clergyman on trial for his actions, not his opinion- Ngoga”. I totally agree with the Prosecutor General, Martin Ngoga that all Rwandans regardless of their religion or origin must have their day in court, as long as they are suspected to have committed a crime.

Saturday, January 08, 2011


I wish to react to an article published in your newspaper, yesterday, titled "Clergyman on trial for his actions, not his opinion- Ngoga”.

I totally agree with the Prosecutor General, Martin Ngoga that all Rwandans regardless of their religion or origin must have their day in court, as long as they are suspected to have committed a crime.

And people found on the wrong side of the law should not make the loudest noise but instead be prepared to prove their innocence in court.

As we build a new Rwanda, a country determined to end a culture of impunity, Rwandans must be aware that all are equal before the law no matter their seniority or standing in society.

Religious leaders play a leading role to help guide those they lead to turn into better citizens and instill morals in societies. I am a religious person and I believe that for a church to grow, its leaders have to work hand in hand with the government and promote its good policies.

We all know very well the benefits of family planning. Much as there is no law on family planning, it is a duty of our leaders at all levels to teach Rwandans and tell them what is good for them.

I would have no problem if the church was opposing bad actions practiced by the government but to oppose the campaign aimed at getting rid of thatched houses is the least expected from a religious leader.

From my experience, I have seen many religious leaders using the pulpit to inform and educate people about their morals, initiating projects to reduce poverty or teaching people how to use their talents well.

Gone are the days when religious leaders used their positions to divide Rwandans. Rwandans must stand up and defend their rights.

Danis Ngabo