Rulindo vows to phase out Nyakatsi by March

RULINDO - District officials have vowed to eradicate thatched houses commonly known as Nyakatsi by the end of March this year. The revelation was made yesterday at the district headquarters by Mayor Justus Kangwagye, during a meeting with development partners to mark Accountability Day.

Saturday, January 08, 2011
Rulindo District officials and development partners follow presentations on Accountability Day yesterday (Photo by A.Gahene)

RULINDO - District officials have vowed to eradicate thatched houses commonly known as Nyakatsi by the end of March this year.

The revelation was made yesterday at the district headquarters by Mayor Justus Kangwagye, during a meeting with development partners to mark Accountability Day.

The day was aimed at evaluating development achievements during the second term of 2010 and laying strategies for 2011.

In his opening remarks, Kangwagye said that last December, the district carried out a survey to identify Nyakatsi and other dilapidated houses requiring renovation.

"The houses were grouped into three categories, where the first group labeled ‘O’ are vulnerable residents residing in thatched houses, the second group, ‘A’, are people living in deplorable houses yet have the means to build better houses for themselves.

"The last group, ‘B’,  is made up of residents who require mobilization to refurbish and renovate their residential and commercial premises,” said Kangwagye.   

He said the district will officially launch anti-Nyakatsi campaign on January 15, where a total of 781 houses are expected to be built by end of March.

The Mayor added that the district had created jobs for the youth through employing them to implement the district’s reforestation plans, where 1,800 young people are paid to plant trees in the sectors of Bushoki and Mbogo.

According to the Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs, Deo Nzamwita, during the campaign, World Vision pledged to provide cement and iron sheets to construct 25 houses for vulnerable residents of Burega and Ntarabana sectors.
