Nyarugenge market to be completed this month

KIGALI - Construction of Nyarugenge’s modern market in downtown Kigali City will be completed during the course of this month, officials have announced.

Saturday, January 08, 2011
FINAL TOUCHES; Works on the ultra-modern Nyarugenge market are almost complete (Photo T.Kisambira)

KIGALI - Construction of Nyarugenge’s modern market in downtown Kigali City will be completed during the course of this month, officials have announced.

According to the Mayor of Nyarugenge District, Theophila Nyirahonora,  the complex was supposed to be completed in December last year, a deadline that was never met, but hastened to add that they have been assured by the contractor that it will be done by the end of this month.

The complex which is owned by Kigali Investment Company (KIC), will, according to Nyirahonora, be ultra-modern with various activities and services on its eight floors.

It is located at the same place where the old Nyarugenge market used to stand.

"The services that will be offered include a car parking, restaurants, salons, administrative offices, banks, shops, a market, and recreational halls,” she said.

According to the investors, once the project is completed, it will have cost an estimated Rwf9bn and will be owned and run by KIC while the district will only monitor its cleanliness to ensure a convenient business environment.

Meanwhile, the mayor pointed out that the district authorities were still in negotiations concerning the planning of the ever busy commercial street commonly known as Quartier Commerciale and its surroundings, in order to demolish substandard buildings to pave way for the development of modern structures.

"It will take some time as you can see it is not something to rush with but we have held a number of meetings with owners and the process is still going on, we hope to find a resolution in the near future,” Nyirahonora said.
