Police briefed on Kigali Master Plan

Kigali city Mayor, Aisa Kirabo Kacyira has appealed to the Rwanda National Police (RNP) to partner with the city in creating awareness of the Kigali Master Plan and in ensuring that all the security guidelines in its implementation are honoured.

Friday, January 07, 2011
City Mayor Aisa Kirabo Kacyira showing the City Master Plan yesterday (Courtsey Photo)

Kigali city Mayor, Aisa Kirabo Kacyira has appealed to the Rwanda National Police (RNP) to partner with the city in creating awareness of the Kigali Master Plan and in ensuring that all the security guidelines in its implementation are honoured.

Kirabo made the call yesterday, while meeting top police officers who had paid a visit to Kigali City.

The visit by the officers, led by the Commissioner General of Police, Emmanuel Gasana, was aimed at assessing how the force can plan for the security of Kigali City based on the Master Plan.

The officers were shown the architectural design of the Master Plan at Nyarugenge District where they were also updated on its implementation process, by the Mayor.
She commended efforts by the force in ensuring a secure city and the country in general.

Gasana said that the visit was in line with the security framework of the city plans to integrate the Master Plan in a comprehensive security plan.

The police chief was accompanied by his deputy, Stanley Nsabimana, commissioners and directors, among others.
