ActionAid joins anti-Nyakatsi campaign

Musanze - ActionAid joined the countrywide campaign of eradicating grass thatched houses, commonly known as Nyakatsi, by donating over 2,660 iron sheets worth Rwf13m to 106 women and child headed households in Shingiro Sector.

Friday, January 07, 2011
Some of the beneficiaries receiving the iron sheets in Shingiro sector (Photo B. Mukombozi)

Musanze - ActionAid joined the countrywide campaign of eradicating grass thatched houses, commonly known as Nyakatsi, by donating over 2,660 iron sheets worth Rwf13m to 106 women and child headed households in Shingiro Sector.

Shingiro sector has the highest number of Nyakatsi, with 1,059 thatched houses out of the total 3,097 in Musanze District

District Mayor, Winifrida Mpembyemungu, rallied residents to launch an immediate plan of supporting one another and using their resources to eradicate the thatched houses in the area.

"A descent way of living should be every one’s priority. Those with means to construct better houses but are still unwilling, have one month to do so,’’ Mpembyemungu cautioned.

Residents decided to set February 28 as the deadline for constructing new houses, through community work-Umuganda, especially for poor families, while the government has decided to offer roofing materials to vulnerable families that have been identified by local authorities. 

While donating the materials, Edmond Kabagambe, the Acting Country Director of ActionAid, said that supporting the government’s initiative to eradicate Nyakatsi helps improve the quality of lives of local communities.
