Homeboy back home

Rwandan singer/model based in Canada, Frank Jo, is home on vacation. Although he is supposed to be on a one-week vacation, Frank Jo says he will perform at Kidumu’s album launch in January 12, Nairobi. The star, real name, Frank Rukundo, told The New Times, that he plans to meet his producer, R-Kay, in Nairobi to team him up with potential Kenyan musicians, like Nameless.

Thursday, January 06, 2011
Frank Jo

Rwandan singer/model based in Canada, Frank Jo, is home on vacation.

Although he is supposed to be on a one-week vacation, Frank Jo says he will perform at Kidumu’s album launch in January 12, Nairobi.

The star, real name, Frank Rukundo, told The New Times, that he plans to meet his producer, R-Kay, in Nairobi to team him up with potential Kenyan musicians, like Nameless.

"Surprisingly, I might end up doing another song with Kidumu,” Frank Jo said, "Our first track was successful, so why can’t we work on another bombshell.”
Frank Jo is preparing for the launch of his 10-track debut album, ‘Alive to love you.’

He is among few Rwandan musicians, who have performed in various countries.

"Delivering a good show is essential since you don’t know where you will perform next. Most of my tours are invitations from my fans,” he said.

Frank Jo’s recent successful performance was in the Canadian city of Calgary, last year. He performed alongside internationally renowned artiste, K’naan, in a concert dubbed ‘Africa Day.’

On the other hand, Frank Jo’s great sense of style and athletic body might have been the reason fashion designers competed for his services.

Currently, the star is signed under Silver Screen Fashion House, best known for both casual and corporate clothes.
The 29-year-old is married to a Canadian. Most of Frank Jo’s songs are in Kinyarwanda and often performs to Rwandans in Montreal, as a way of promoting Rwandan music abroad.

His latest song is ‘Kipenda Roho’ featuring Kidumu, a Kenyan – based Burundian music maestro. The hit song is in Kinywanda, Luganda and Swahili.

Frank Jo’s homecoming does not only bring joy to his family, but also leaves his fans with a New Year present of four new hit tracks.
