Suspected fraudsters arrested in Musanze

Police in Musanze District yesterday arrested three people who were engaged in a deal to export a fake Uranium product that weighed two kilos and reportedly imported from the DR Congo. One of the suspects confessed that the material which was marked with labels ‘’Uranium from Leopold Ville, Congo-Belgique, extracted on 30 /12/ 1950’’ had a price tag of Frw50m.

Thursday, January 06, 2011
The suspects being held at Muhoza police station.(Photo B Mukombozi)

Police in Musanze District yesterday arrested three people who were engaged in a deal to export a fake Uranium product that weighed two kilos and reportedly imported from the DR Congo.

One of the suspects confessed that the material which was marked with labels ‘’Uranium from Leopold Ville, Congo-Belgique, extracted on 30 /12/ 1950’’ had a price tag of Frw50m.

The suspects identified as Emmanuel Minani from Muhanga District, Epimaque Bonane, and Jean La Paix Karangwa from Musanze were arrested at a meeting point where a deposit of Rwf500,000 was to exchange hands.

‘’It was manufactured by one of our Congolese colleagues, who contacted me to find potential buyers, I didn’t know it was fake. When potential buyers demanded proof about the authenticity of this material, we decided to reduce the price,’’ said Bonane.

Minani who was hesitant to speak about his involvement, said that he was contacted by his friends in Musanze to come and see the product and take it for testing before they could find buyers.

‘’ I wanted to give them a deposit before taking it for testing and subsequently try to find buyers,’’ Minani said.
According to the District Police Commander, Supt. Felix Muheto, the trio was arrested after a tip off from one person who was part of the deal but decided to inform the police instead.
