Police destroys illicit brew worth 15m

GATSIBO - Police in Gatsibo District yesterday destroyed illicit brew worth Rwf15.3 million that was impounded in the past three months. They included 4500 packets of Suzie and Leading Waragi manufactured in Uganda and 614 litres of local gin commonly known as Kanyanga, also imported from Uganda.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Residents gathering around smuggled illicit brew before the contraband was destroyed

GATSIBO - Police in Gatsibo District yesterday destroyed illicit brew worth Rwf15.3 million that was impounded in the past three months 

They included 4500 packets of Suzie and Leading Waragi manufactured in Uganda and 614 litres of local gin commonly known as Kanyanga, also imported from Uganda.

Addressing residents in an extra-ordinary security meeting, the district Mayor, Anselme Majoro Rurangwa, warned those engaged in illegal activities such as selling the brew, saying that it not only destabilizes the country, but also destroys the society.

"You know very well that these liquors destroy your lives. You should shun them and report whoever you suspect to be selling them because they are dangerous to our communities,” he said.

He advised residents to concentrate on supporting government programmes instead of trading in and consuming the illegal brew and drugs.

The District Police Commander, CIP Fabien Musinguzi, told residents that Police in the district will remain vigilant and will arrest whoever engages in the illegal trade.

"We are there to stand firm and protect the government’s vision. We shall not tolerate anyone who will attempt to damage this vision,” he said.
