With less than a week to the start of the 2011 academic year, statistics from the Ministry of Education (Mineduc ) indicate that up to 80 percent of the classrooms required for this year’s Nine-Year Basic Education (9-YBE) programme have been completed.
With less than a week to the start of the 2011 academic year, statistics from the Ministry of Education (Mineduc ) indicate that up to 80 percent of the classrooms required for this year’s Nine-Year Basic Education (9-YBE) programme have been completed.
The classrooms wiill accommodate the third promotion of the 9-YBE students. The programme began in the 2009 academic year.
According to Engineer Warren Habimana, the Director of School Construction Unit at Mineduc, the construction speed is impressive.
"Most of the classrooms have been roofed with iron sheets and ready for use on Monday (January 10, when schools open),” said Habimana.
He explained that a total of 1,827 classrooms are fully complete and the districts are working tirelessly to see that they complete on time.
The best performing districts include, Kamonyi 90 percent, Kicukiro 89 percent, Gasabo and Nyarugenge at 86 percent and Bugesera at 84 percent.
Habimana mentioned Nyaruguru, Ngororero, Nyamagabe, Karongi and Rulindo as those still lagging behind.
"The local leaders we have spoken to say that some residents in the districts were reluctant to support the programme,” said Habimana.
The areas where the construction process has been successful have seen remarkable participation of the local population.
The government has, in this phase, injected over Rwf5 billion in building materials and technical assistance for the construction.