Importation of Digital TVs on track - BRD

KIGALI - In a bid to ensure a smooth transition from analogue to digital broadcasting in the country, Rwanda Development Bank (BRD) is going to finance private business operators who are interested in the importation and supply of digital TVs.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011
REMINDED: Jack Kayonga (File photo)

KIGALI - In a bid to ensure a smooth transition from analogue to digital broadcasting in the country, Rwanda Development Bank (BRD) is going to finance private business operators who are interested in the importation and supply of digital TVs.

"The importation of digital TV sets is in the pipeline and in about two weeks, we shall have finalized the deal, "said Jack Kayonga the Managing Director of BRD, during a telephone interview yesterday.

Recently Rwanda information Office (ORINFOR) the government owned broadcaster, announced it would start digital broadcasting mid this month.

Kayonga added that the move to import the TV’s is meant to boost the number of compatible sets in the country. 
The shift from analog to digital broadcasting will enable viewers to watch clear pictures on their digital TV sets, according to ORINFOR.

Once the deal is finalized, at least over 5,000 digital TVs will be imported from Malaysia and distributed to selected dealers who will then sale them to the public.

Kayonga stressed that they will not import all the number at the same time, saying that they will be bought in batches.

Rwanda has stepped up efforts to switch to digital broadcasting to meet the Geneva based International Telecommunication Union (ITU) deadline of 2015 to adopt terrestrial digital broadcasting.
