Governor favours reduction of Sectors in Gicumbi

GICUMBI - Northern Province Governor, Aime Bosenibamwe, has drummed up support for the reduction of administrative Sectors in Gicumbi District from 21 to 15, as recommended by the District Advisory Council.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Northern Province Governor Aime Bosenibamwe.

GICUMBI - Northern Province Governor, Aime Bosenibamwe, has drummed up support for the reduction of administrative Sectors in Gicumbi District from 21 to 15, as recommended by the District Advisory Council.

In an interview yesterday, Bosenibamwe said Gicumbi requires fewer sectors as a way of reducing expenses incurred in paying salaries and other allowances to a large number of employees.

He added that in cutting down the number, the district will be able to pay outstanding debts to its contractors.

"The money Gicumbi District receives from the central government to support its annual budget is not enough to sustain a big number of sectors,” said Bosenibamwe.
He gave an example of Kamonyi District in the Southern Province which has 12 Sectors and receives the same amount from the central government as is allocated to Gicumbi.

The Governor urged for the need to have competent staff, capable of serving all the sectors in the district, rather than having many sectors with many incompetent staff, who are also not paid on time due to lack of funds.

Regarding payment of outstanding debts the district owes contractors, Bosenibamwe said he instructed authorities to begin servicing the debts in phases.

The District Advisory Council that sat last month, recommended the phasing out the sectors of Shangasha, Nyankenke, Kageyo, Cyumba, Nyamiyaga and Rwamiko.

According to Bosenibamwe, the proposed new district structure is awaiting approval by the Ministry of Local Government, which will also first table it before cabinet.
