Public safety should be valued

Editor, I read an article in The New Times yesterday titled “ Police urges public to hand in illegal firearms’’.I would, therefore, through this paper  urge people who posses these firearms illegally to peacefully hand them over to the Police stations, which would be safe instead of just leaving them exposed to the public.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011


I read an article in The New Times yesterday titled " Police urges public to hand in illegal firearms’’.I would, therefore, through this paper  urge people who posses these firearms illegally to peacefully hand them over to the Police stations, which would be safe instead of just leaving them exposed to the public.

the citizens need to keep safe and away from these dangerous firearms. besides one is not punished because of handing them over to the authorities. so, I appeal to every one concerned to hand them over, in order to keep a peaceful and safe  Rwanda.

Julius  Karuhanga