Crowd thrilled by EA’s new year bash

The question of whether Saturday’s East Africa end of year party would attract a massive crowd, following the previous night’s extraordinary Happy People bash was clearly on many people’s minds.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Miss JoJo and her queen dancers thrill the crowd.

The question of whether Saturday’s East Africa end of year party would attract a massive crowd, following the previous night’s extraordinary Happy People bash was clearly on many people’s minds.

But still, it was New Year and many people were looking for happening joints to party—the ‘East Africa Party’ had organised a big gig at Amahoro Stadium’s outdoor.

The party was, by all standards, a worthwhile New Year bash and it was full of excitement.

One would be fooled into thinking it was a free show given the way revellers flowed in from, as early as, 5p.m till late.

The entrance fee was Rwf3,000 and Rwf5,000 in VIP section. The party attracted over 1500 people from various parts of the Kigali City.

Various artistes performed, including our own Urban Boys, Dream Boys, J. Polly, Tom Close and Miss JoJo.

Kidumu (Kenya-based Burundian), Radio & Weasel, Rachel K from Uganda, General Ozzy of Zambia and America’s silky voiced star Ms Triniti. 

The artistes wowed the crowd with their fantastic renditions and left everyone excited amid tight security.

There were loud cheers for Miss JoJo, J.Polly and Goodlyfe crew Radio and Weasel, during their separate performances as fans danced uncontrollably. 

As expected, Ms Triniti who wrapped up the show at around midnight did what she does best.

She brought on stage an exotic, irresistible appearance with her queen dancers, and sang virtually all her hit songs, including ‘Woy Yoy Yoy’, ‘Reddi Reddi Boi’, and ‘Bongce Along.’

Ms Triniti’s unique vocal ability switches from soulful songstress, to rapping style, which puts her in a category of her own.

From the stadium, all roads led to FOEyes Hotel in Kimironko, for the East Africa end of year after party where partygoers mingled and partied with the music stars till late.
