Editors found guilty

The managing director of Rwanda Independent Media Group (Rimeg) and the editor of Newsline newspaper have been sentenced to one year imprisonment after they were proven guilty of defamation.

Saturday, February 09, 2008
Charles Kabonero

The managing director of Rwanda Independent Media Group (Rimeg) and the editor of Newsline newspaper have been sentenced to one year imprisonment after they were proven guilty of defamation.

The trial of managing director Charles Kabonero and editor Didace Gasana came to an end on Friday.

Judge Joseph Robert Kabeja ruled on Friday that the two would be behind bars for one year or be on probation for two years.

Those sentenced were accused by Tribert Rujugiro Ayabatwa of falsely reporting that the businessman had evaded taxes in South Africa.

Rujugiro requested a total of $150,000 (Frw81m) for losses incurred. In addition to the prison sentences, Kabeja ruled that Kabonero and Gasana would pay Ayabatwa Frw1m. failure to do so would result into a further 30 days in prison. The accused will also pay Frw40,000 to the government or serve 5 days’ imprisonment.
