Festive season leaves passengers stranded

KARONGI- Numerous passengers from Karongi district, most of who had travelled for New year celebrations, were left stranded following a shortage of public transportation.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Stranded passengers at one of the bus terminals in Karongi town yesterday (photo S Nkurunziza)

KARONGI- Numerous passengers from Karongi district, most of who had travelled for New year celebrations, were left stranded following a shortage of public transportation.

The District, initially had only one transport company - Capital Express – plying the Kigali route, however, even after Impala and Rugali Express, joined the business, shortages in public transport, have been experienced, especially during the festive season.
"I have failed to report for work, in Kigali, because of scarcity of transport and I just hope my employers will understand,” Rodgers Kalimba, a bank teller said yesterday.

Most of the bus owners have attributed the inadequate transport to the fact that during the festive season, their busses are hired by private individuals.

"Our travel routines have been interrupted by the absence of some of our buses which have been hired by companies and associations during the festive season but soon it will be over,” an official at Impala Express said.
