Man hacks wife to death over land

KARONGI - A man from Rugabano Sector, Karongi District was, last week, arrested for allegedly killing his wife, accusing her of selling a piece of land and refusing to share the proceeds with him. Andrien Ubyinanaryo, 43, reportedly struck his wife, Marie Claire Muhawenimana, thrice in the head with a hoe, killing her instantly.

Monday, January 03, 2011
Adrien Ubyinanaryo and the hoe used to kill his wife (photo S Nkurunziza)

KARONGI - A man from Rugabano Sector, Karongi District was, last week, arrested for allegedly killing his wife, accusing her of selling a piece of land and refusing to share the proceeds with him.

Andrien Ubyinanaryo, 43, reportedly struck his wife, Marie Claire Muhawenimana, thrice in the head with a hoe, killing her instantly.

Speaking to The New Times, Ubyinanaryo who is currently in police custody at Bwishyura police station, confessed to committing the crime, claiming that the wife should have given him a share of the money she got from selling the piece of land.

"I felt that my wife should have given me some of the money but she refused and that’s why I killed her,” he said.
He explained that he did not expect to killer her saying that he was only trying to force her to share the money.

According to police, the last quarter of the year was marred by crimes, most of them gender related violence.

"The last three months before the festive season have been characterized by many criminal acts compared to the rest of the year,” a police official said.
