Meat dealers record high profits during festive season

KIGALI - The consumption of meat in Kigali City soared during this festive season, with the average number of cows slaughtered at Nyabugogo Abattoir, increasing four fold.

Monday, January 03, 2011
People buying meat from SATRA abattoir in Kicukiro. (Photo J Mbanda)

KIGALI - The consumption of meat in Kigali City soared during this festive season, with the average number of cows slaughtered at Nyabugogo Abattoir, increasing four fold.

According to Jean Baptiste Nyatanyi, from Nyabugogo Abattoir, usually, between 60 and 70 cows are slaughtered each day.

"We slaughtered more than 290 cows and hundreds of goats on Friday alone,” Nyatanyi said.
Many people who normally do not eat meat, because of the high prices, wait until special days like New Year’s Day, while most families buy meat in larger quantity than usual as they expect to host friends and family.

At most butcher shops around Kigali, the price of beef had been increased from the usual Rwf1,750 to 1900 per kilogramme.
Butchers attributed the increase price to hikes in the price of cows, whose owners take advantage of the festive season.

At SATRA Abattoir in Kicukiro, the number of cows slaughtered on the New Year’s Day increased from the usual 50 to 150.

At the same abattoir, hundreds of goats were also slaughtered and according to William Didi, the proprietor, by midday on Saturday, all the meat had been consumed.

"This season was good for business, people started booking and buying goats in the middle of December, the only problem we faced was the increasing number of unauthorized dealers, besides evading government taxes, these people sell meat that may not be fit for human consumption,” bemoaned Didi.

It is alleged that the unauthorised dealers, because of evading taxes, sell their meat at prices below that of authorised butchers.
