There is a lot to do in 2011

Editor, Through your paper, I would like to add my voice to how we can make our country a better place. Rwanda has come a long way, and each New Year presents us with opportunities to improve our lives. The Government has put in place an enabling environment, with a well laid solid foundation for us to build on.

Monday, January 03, 2011


Through your paper, I would like to add my voice to how we can make our country a better place. Rwanda has come a long way, and each New Year presents us with opportunities to improve our lives. The Government has put in place an enabling environment, with a well laid solid foundation for us to build on.

As we take on each day at a time, every individual should come up with targets, both professional and personal. And, right from the beginning of the year, these targets should be well defined with a clear plan of how they will be achieved.

With no defined direction, it is next to impossible to get what you want in life, whether as an individual or in your professional career.

While there is a lot we can do this year, there is much we stand to gain, should we put in the effort

Charles Muyango