Living Life: How to avoid getting Hypertension

Hypertension is the scourge of modern life. It is a big public health problem for developed countries.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Hypertension is the scourge of modern life. It is a big public health problem for developed countries.

It also exists in underdeveloped countries, where its prevalence is rising with urbanization and changes in life styles of people.

It creates greater problem in underdeveloped nations because they have their burden of infectious communicable diseases. Hypertension adds on the morbidity of the population.

As such if one develops hypertension, there is no root cure available in any form of medicine. A person has to take medicines life long which   has   side effects in the body.

Left uncontrolled, high blood pressure can lead to many complications in the body like blindness, kidney failure e.t.c.

Therefore it is wise to prevent development of high blood pressure in the body. There are certain factors which make one more prone to hypertension.

Advancing age is one of them. As age increases, walls of the blood vessels become brittle due to deposition of fats on the inner layers, these results in blood flowing at higher pressure and hypertension.

Similarly women become more prone to high blood pressure after menopause as protective effect of hormones is withdrawn. Hereditary hypertension is also an unavoidable factor.

If somebody in the family has hypertension, it makes next of the generation more prone for it.

These factors causing hypertension are unavoidable. But all other causes can be very well avoided. Alcohol is a strong risk factor for hypertension.

Studies have shown favourable improvement in high blood pressure just by abstaining from alcohol for a month. As such alcohol has many other harmful effects on the body and hence should be avoided.

Smoking is another addiction avoiding which one can avoid high blood pressure.
Diet is a very important factor involved in causing hypertension. Diet high in salt and rich in cholesterol, makes one more susceptible to high blood pressure.

Processed and canned foods are harmful in this regard as they are high in salt. Other food items like baked foods, milk products like cheese and butter are rich in both cholesterol and salt.

Not eating these food items and intake of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains keeps one fit and at a low risk for hypertension.

Regular physical exercise helps to burn the calories consumed, avoids obesity and also helps in avoiding hypertension.

Therefore howsoever busy a person is, he or she should spare some time for regular physical exercise. Minimum 30 minutes of exercise is useful if not daily, and then at least one should exercise 3 times a week.

Swimming, aerobics, light running and yoga, all these are very beneficial exercises for somebody wishing to avoid high blood pressure or control it.

Certain medicines like corticosteroids, oral contraceptive pills, if taken for a long time, tend to cause hypertension.

Hence these should be taken when absolutely necessary and for minimum duration.

Physical and mental stress also makes one more prone to hypertension. Both can be avoided very well. One should not overdo things beyond his or her physical capacity.

Physical capacity for work can also be enhanced by good nutritious diet and regular physical exercise. Mental stress is one factor which is entirely in one’s own hands.

If one considers a situation to be stressful, he will get tense but if he learns to relax mentally and take things as they come, whatever is the load of work, he will not be under stress.

It is imperative for every individual to learn to be relaxed mentally. Yoga helps in total physical and mental relaxation.

Thus one can avoid getting hypertension by following these simple measures. Even if somebody has developed hypertension, these steps will help in keeping it controlled with minimum medication.

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