The Hater: I hate people who…

…make resolutions that they fail to meet. Isn’t it annoying to know that each beginning of a year idle people will make all sorts of resolutions only to forget by the third week of January? I realised long ago how hard it can be for us to meet some of these resolutions and that is why I just keep copying and pasting the same resolution.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

…make resolutions that they fail to meet.

Isn’t it annoying to know that each beginning of a year idle people will make all sorts of resolutions only to forget by the third week of January? I realised long ago how hard it can be for us to meet some of these resolutions and that is why I just keep copying and pasting the same resolution.

This year just like last year and the year before I promise to continue hating as much as possible and without fear or favour.

Anybody who is a living nuisance to society and to me in particular will not be spared by my hate wrath. My friends are only those who behave and read this column. 

…begin the year without a single plan.

Yesterday was the first day of the New Year and many of you have plans and goals to achieve this year. I beg you to join me in hating all those who are not like us.

I am talking about people whose brains retired at the end of last year and they have started this year without any plan.

I wonder why these people allowed themselves to live up to this year when they could have just left last year since they have no program for this one.

Those who have plan should know that I hate them. The advice I have for them is to call me so that I can give them something to do. I think I have some clothes that need washing!

…refuse to pay old debts claiming that this is a New Year.

Although we are in a New Year I will not hesitate to hate people who borrowed money from me last year and have not paid up to now. Some even have the guts to suggest that old debts of last year no longer count. Who tells them this nonsense?

A debt is a debt and in fact if you have not paid up last year’s debts then I think you should be ready to even add some interest on the money owed.

Personally I have no monetary debts to clear from last year. However there are some annoying people I did not hate last year. This year I promise t clear that backlog by hating them.

I will hate them eve more this year (with interest). Just watch this space.

…continue to do the same thing each year.

It is now 2011 and I have even bought a new calendar for my house. I plan to do so many things differently this year apart from hating as usual.

Because of this, people must know that I hate anyone who just does the same thing every year. I find it very boring and that is why I am not happy with those who do it.

I hate students who performed poorly and are going to be in the same class as last year.

The most annoying group are those I hated last year and they did not change. I hate them more this year. 

…still have 2010 calendars in their offices.

I have said before that a New Year comes with new plans and even new accessories. I there ask you to clap for me as I express my hatred for those of you who are sitting in offices with old calendars.

Are you trying to say that you were not aware that the year was to end on 31st December? 

Please find a way of getting a new calendar by tomorrow because it is a shame. How are you even making plans based on an old calendar?

Some are even writing the wrong year on important documents. Please, move with us with us in the New Year with new things.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293