Gen. Ngendahimana sends special message to fugitives

Maj. Gen. Jerôme Ngendahimana, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Reserve Force, has requested members of the Diaspora to deliver a special message to members of the former regime holed up in Zambia and the Republic of the Congo, commonly known as Congo Brazzaville.

Sunday, January 02, 2011
Maj. Gen Jerome Ngendahimana

Maj. Gen. Jerôme Ngendahimana, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Reserve Force, has requested members of the Diaspora to deliver a special message to members of the former regime holed up in Zambia and the Republic of the Congo, commonly known as Congo Brazzaville. 

While addressing members of the Diaspora who have just concluded a two-week country familiarization tour, on Thursday, Ngendahimana said he particularly knows that "there are many officers and soldiers of the former army” in these two countries, "and I know the role they play in disinformation.” 

"I urge you to go and target all those people and give them a special message – tell them what you have seen, and even go ahead and give them our contacts so that they can call and talk to us too,” ha said. 

Early this week, the Diaspora group was shocked by the testimonies from former FDLR combatants at Mutobo Demobilization and Reintegration Centre, in Musanze District.

Lt. Col Ellie Mutarambirwa, one of a group of over 350 ex-combatants currently at the centre, told the visiting group that many in the FDLR militia are being held back by false information peddled about Rwanda.

The FDLR comprises members of the ex-FAR and Interahamwe militia who perpetrated the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, before fleeing into neighbouring DRC. Many other followers fled into other African countries, and beyond. 

You have witnessed, after visiting Mutobo and talking to returnees, that most people from those jungles [eastern DRC] don’t know much about Rwanda today.

You should target that group of officers and men in Zambia and Congo Brazzaville and give them a message in a special way,” Maj. Gen. Ngendahimana advised. 

"You have seen the Rwandan army, you visited Gabiro, and you also have observed the role the Rwandan army has in unity and reconciliation.

"I am not saying this because I am a soldier, but everyone here knows – the level of unity and reconciliation that has been attained, in the army of Rwanda, gives Rwandans hope that reconciliation is possible even in all other areas.”

The General also used the opportunity to thank the members of the Diaspora "for all the good things you have done and the many more good you plan to do in the future.”

While meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that Thursday, the Diaspora group announced seven key resolutions including partnering with friends of Rwanda in the countries where they reside to show a good image of their motherland.

The group said that outcomes of the Diaspora "come and see” programme will include going back and telling the truth about what they had witnessed here.
