Finances : The Power of a Pay Slip

The pay slip has achieved supreme financial importance in recent times. As banks and other institutions looking to expand their markets look towards increasing their sales volume shell out more credit on the basis on the purchasing power of an ordinary person, the pay slip has become the ultimate measure of how much one are vitally important in the recent times.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

The pay slip has achieved supreme financial importance in recent times. As banks and other institutions looking to expand their markets look towards increasing their sales volume shell out more credit on the basis on the purchasing power of an ordinary person, the pay slip has become the ultimate measure of how much one are vitally important in the recent times.

One must therefore learn to utilize the importance of a pay slip and on the other hind avoid becoming a slave to it – the double edged sword. While in the early stages of financial growth, when you have got a job and are now in the processing of controlling expenditure so as to save and invest more, the pay slip comes in handy. If well utilized the pay slip can help you in reducing your dependence on it. With a pay slip one can get an emergency loan, a car loan, a mortgage. These loans can help to stop paying rent and start paying towards the ownership of your own home, to invest in a business or buy shares etc. the pay slip in all these cases is the valid proof for the lender and gives an idea of the income of person seeking the loan.

However ultimately, you should wean yourself of the pay slip until it is barley useless to you. According to the Wealth Magazine, a Kenyan publication that focuses on empowering readers to comprehend what wealth is, "It is essential that you internalize the fact that a pay-slip is not an end in itself but a means to an end, employment till death is no longer possible and even then will the pension, life policy, mortgage policy and education policy be able to support your family’s current standard of living? It goes on that the day you make your pay slip redundant is the day you shall have achieved true wealth.

It does not mean that when you have a job, you should abuse the opportunity by trying to get money from your job illegally. In fact the best way to use a job is to do it so well so that when you leave, the references and networks that you have created automatically become useful to you. In fact if you are say an accountant and in future you plan to become a consultant, the same company that hired you might become your first client, but if you prove that the company really needs you by the records of yopur work.

So while you have the pay slip, make good use of it so that when you lose it, you don’t really need it.
