How to recover from a hangover on New Year’s Day

A hangover is the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages. It’s no secret that intoxication has a number of immediate negative consequences.

Friday, December 31, 2010
Hangovers as crazy as it seems have a cure.

A hangover is the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages. It’s no secret that intoxication has a number of immediate negative consequences.

New Year’s Eve brings plenty of parties as well as hangovers. So you had a rough night, and now you’re paying the price and the alcohol is making your body uncomfortable. If you’ve got one hell of a hangover and life would be good if you were no longer suffering this miserable existence then vow never to do it again.

By reading this you will have a good idea of how you can nurse your hangover. Recovering on New Year’s Day will be easier than normal.

Apply natural sugars
First of all the use of natural sugars that are found in many fruits can help you to fight off a hangover. Natural sugars or fructose and organic honey minimizes the stress on your digestive system and helps your body to break down and burn off the alcohol that is in your system, thus helping you to battle your hangover much easier.

Take a pain reliever
You can nurse the hangover by taking your choice of the pain reliever within a couple of hours after you finish drinking for the evening. Following the dosage directions on the label, aspirin can help to bring any swelling down of your blood vessels in your head that can cause a headache and pain.

 Drink enough water
Fluids are key when you want to help shorten the wrath of your hangover. New Year’s Day can get back on track for you much sooner when you have begun to consume a good amount of water to help keep your body well-hydrated.
You can as well, while drinking alcohol. This is sort of nursing a hangover before it happens.

Eat burned plain toast
More so eat burned plain toast. The black burned stuff will absorb the toxins from your stomach. This will help prevent anything in your stomach from making things worse, and it will make you feel better.

Get plenty of rest
Once your body has absorbed all the liquors on New Year’s Eve, you are going to need a good amount of rest on New Year’s Day. This may mean anything from catching a few hours of extra sleep to simply laying your head back in a recliner or on your bed for a while with your eyes closed. Any extra rest that you can grab will do you wonders when nursing a hangover.

Understand changes in your body
As you move up and down feeling restless because of hangover, understand what is happening to your body. Although it has many compelling reasons for us to drink it, alcohol is a toxin (poison). You may feel nauseous and sick to your stomach, tired, sore, and thirsty/dehydrated.

Take a warm bath
Taking a long warm bath will help in steaming out the toxins and this will put your body on the road to recovery in addition to serving as a therapeutic part of recovery. Going to Sauna and massage parlors can also help in curing hangover.

Finally hangover takes a short while in your body if you follow up the above tips. A hangover is your body’s reaction to a poisoning, and it has to happen. You can optimize the process though, and feel a little better in the process.

I wish you a happy New Year of 2011 but please drink responsibly as we usher in the New Year.