Starting the New Year in prayer

While a startling big number of  people fancy starting the New Year and ending the old one in a ‘happening joint’ like bars and discotheques, it is so uplifting to know that there is a good number that have made it a tradition to end the old and start the new in the house of God.

Friday, December 31, 2010

While a startling big number of  people fancy starting the New Year and ending the old one in a ‘happening joint’ like bars and discotheques, it is so uplifting to know that there is a good number that have made it a tradition to end the old and start the new in the house of God.

 As 2010 draws to a close, countless revellers around Kigali will gasp at the fireworks, and partygoers will raise their glasses to toast to the New Year. However, at churches around Kigali city and across the country, many will mark the hour in different ways: some by raising their hands in prayer, worship and praise while others will fall to their knees asking for forgiveness during overnight services.

"It’s only wise to start off a year by giving God the first part of the year. Tonight no doubt the church will be full! New Years Eve always brings church members and those who are more inclined to come to church on big days like Christmas and Easter plus those seeking good luck for the New Year,” revealed, Pastor Kamanzi Theophile of the Apostolique church in Remera-Kabeza.

 "There’s no other place I would rather be counting down to the new year other than at church! In fact, I don’t remember any time I have ushered in a New Year outside the house of God,” said Josephine Nyebaza, the 27-year-old Managing Director of Intra Cargo.

Like many, Nyebaza said Church is the place to be on New Year’s Eve.

"It’s so amazing to see a multitude of people especially young adults choosing to be at church on New Year’s Eve, it’s so heartening when I see them thanking the Almighty and trusting him to lead, guard and guide them into the New Year. This year we expect a bigger flock than last year’s,” said Michael Karengera, the Senior Pastor of Faith Mission Church in Nyakabanda.

"New Year’s Eve at church is a yearly tradition in my family. I believe that thanking God for the old year and welcoming the new one in prayer and praise is not only the best thing to do but it’s the best insurance one can have,” revealed Dr. Simon Peter Sano of Kanombe Hospital.

Christians nationwide are expected to throng places of worship on the night of the New Years Eve to usher in the New Year. There is something about the effect that the holy presence of God has on people during praise and worship and more so, the power of believer’s testimonies during the sharing of the Word of God.