Prisoners urged to fight AIDS

KIGALI - Kigali City Mayor, Dr Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, has called upon inmates at Kigali Central Prison to take a lead in fighting against HIV/Aids and act as ambassadors regarding the promotion of good governance in the country.

Friday, December 31, 2010
Inmates at 1930 displaying a painting they made of President Paul Kagame at the event yesterday (Photo / S. Mugisha)

KIGALI - Kigali City Mayor, Dr Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, has called upon inmates at Kigali Central Prison to take a lead in fighting against HIV/Aids and act as ambassadors regarding the promotion of good governance in the country.

Kirabo made the call yesterday at the prison’s main hall while presiding over celebrations to mark the International AIDS Day organized by the National Prisons Service (NPS).

During the event, Kirabo urged the inmates to always observe maximum discipline, and fight against any form of crime in prison and in their respective communities once they have served their sentences.

"I am very happy that you all look healthy and determined to serve our country in your respective capacities…you should always work with concerned authorities to ensure that we achieve our development goals,” Kirabo said.

She also thanked them for the good job they did during the Prisons Week during which they constructed and repaired several infrastructure facilities like schools, roads and bridges.

The Mayor also challenged the inmates of the central prison, commonly known as "1930”, to collaborate with government in changing people’s mindset towards work.

The Commissioner General of Prisons, Mary Gahonzire, advised inmates to always go for voluntary testing for HIV so that they know their status.

She noted that some inmates have been appointed to work as mobilisers to their colleagues against the AIDS scourge in the prison.

According to the Director of the prison, Michael Kamugisha, 423 inmates are HIV positive.

Marc Kabandana, who spoke on behalf of the inmates, said that they were happy for the care they get from authorities and the advice they get so that they become valuable members of the society upon completion of their sentences.
