Partying into 2011

If you haven’t made your New Year’s plans yet, there’s no more time to waste – sure, the big night is just a few hours away, make sure you step into the New Year in an excited mood. Of course, the New Year means partying and everything that goes with it!  In case you were wondering where to party all the way into 2011, worry not. Just get ready and head to the ‘Happy People New Year’s Eve Party in a few hours time.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

If you haven’t made your New Year’s plans yet, there’s no more time to waste – sure, the big night is just a few hours away, make sure you step into the New Year in an excited mood.

Of course, the New Year means partying and everything that goes with it!  In case you were wondering where to party all the way into 2011, worry not. Just get ready and head to the ‘Happy People New Year’s Eve Party in a few hours time.

Happy People New Year’s Eve Party
The bash, presented by ‘Happy People & Diaspora’ is back – bigger and better, with a new venue and extra DJ’s! It is one of those big annual events on the local social calendar that offer outdoor fun.

The event will take place, today, from 10p.m till 10a.m, in the compound of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headquarters, Kimihurura.  The venue has a capacity of more than 3000 people. Entrance fee is Rwf10,000.

It will be a relaxed atmosphere and a night to remember as you bid farewell to 2010 and welcoming the New Year.
It promises to rock as revelers greet the New Year in the presence of famed professional DJs, Stylez of Kenya and South Africa’s Africano, who will spin the wheels till the following day.

Giant fireworks will be on hand, courtesy of Show Time Event; Kigali skies will surely explode into 2011. Various regional artistes, including Kidumu (Kenya), and Radio and Weasle (Uganda), will attend Happy People for a little teaser.

One of the event organisers, Remy de Keyzer Nsanga, said that, "Today, we, the Happy People are looking forward to organizing an event to remember after sixth anniversary; we are looking at staging an event Rwandans will live to remember.”
