Education ministry needs to perform better

Editor, I read with shock a story in yesterday’s issue of The New times where an education report from Nyagatare District indicated that pupils were being promoted without merit, with some reaching their final year in primary school when they can’t write their own names.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


I read with shock a story in yesterday’s issue of The New times where an education report from Nyagatare District indicated that pupils were being promoted without merit, with some reaching their final year in primary school when they can’t write their own names.

What are our teachers doing? Are these teachers qualified any way? The Inspector General of Schools, Narcisse Musabeyezu, blamed head teachers for not ably executing their duties, which has led to underperformance by students.

Like the Inspector General advised, the head teachers should take responsibility for the poor performance. an audit must be carried out and those found not to have done their work, disciplined.

It’s a shame to hear today in a competitive world that students are not promoted on merit, yet these are our future leaders. The Ministry of Education must do something urgently. There must also be verify mechanism to check whether such teachers have genuine academic papers.

Doreen Umutoni