Methodist Church leader dismissed

The Annual General Assembly of the Methodist Church of Rwanda, which convened, on Wednesday, in Musanze District, dismissed its leader and legal representative, Reverend Eneas Nsengiyumva, for creating intrigue among members of the church and abuse of office.

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Members of the general assembly of the Methodist church in B Mukombozi

The Annual General Assembly of the Methodist Church of Rwanda, which convened, on Wednesday, in Musanze District, dismissed its leader and legal representative, Reverend Eneas Nsengiyumva, for creating intrigue among members of the church and abuse of office.

Reverend Joseph Ndinabo was appointed the acting legal representative while the board members who had been dismissed by Nsengiyunva were reinstated.

According to Ildephonse Nshutirabana, the church’ secretary, Nsengiyunva wrote a letter to the Ministry of Justice, on December 14, 2010, saying that he had dismissed his assistant, Ndinabo, and dissolved the entire church board.

The board responded by writing a clarification letter to the Minister, indicating that Nsengiyunva had failed to execute his mandate, and was being accused of misusing church resources.

"We decided to relieve him of his duties, because he had disappointed the church, he refused to build the church offices and has instead been using his house as office, we requested him to work as a team but decided to run the church affairs alone,’’ said Ndinabo,

Nsengiyunva who has been at the helm of the church for the last 17 years, was also accused of grabbing the church’s land in Rubavu District.

The acting leader promised to unite church members, operate in transparency and promote the spirit of team work.

In his message, Rev.Daniel Kasereka, from Goma, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, urged the religious leaders to lead by example, and set objectives which they must accomplish and retire when the time comes.

The Methodist Church, which changed its name from Christian Science Church, was officially registered in the government gazette in April 2010.
