More stories about Rwanda necessary

Editor, I enjoy keeping up to date with African news and prefer to hear it from an authentic voice. I visited your website today to check what is happening in Rwanda. I enjoyed the site but I was a bit concerned to find that some of the articles in lifestyle magazine seem to be written with a European slant.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


I enjoy keeping up to date with African news and prefer to hear it from an authentic voice. I visited your website today to check what is happening in Rwanda. I enjoyed the site but I was a bit concerned to find that some of the articles in lifestyle magazine seem to be written with a European slant.

I hope that your readers will not feel that Western lifestyle choices are preferable to Rwandan ones. You can just read news from European papers to understand the consequences and realities of the 'materialistic' lifestyle in our developed countries.

In the UK for example, there are high rates of obesity, teenage pregnancy, drug and alcohol misuse, among other problems, which create public health and social problems that are financially costly and erode the fabric of society.

I have followed the news of Rwanda closely for many years and do pray that as a Country, you continue to flourish in prosperity and peace, and that when choosing to embrace 'development', you bear in the mind the potential pitfalls and keep hold of what is wonderful about your nation and that which is special of the wider African continent.

Sarah Jackson