Film Festival

A ground-breaking movie co-produced by our own, Eric Kabera, with a majority Rwandan cast, ‘Africa United’ was premiered in Kigali on November 6, after its successful screening in Europe and America. Critics have rated the movie so highly, comparing it with Oscar award winning Slumdog Millionaire.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A ground-breaking movie co-produced by our own, Eric Kabera, with a majority Rwandan cast, ‘Africa United’ was premiered in Kigali on November 6, after its successful screening in Europe and America.

Critics have rated the movie so highly, comparing it with Oscar award winning Slumdog Millionaire. It is greatly regarded as a symbol of the breakthrough of Rwanda’s Hillywood movies.

The Kigali premiering of ‘Africa United’ came hot on the heels of the annual Rwanda Film Festival (RFF) which featured films from around the world. The festival’s closing night was graced by internationally renowned Afro Jazz maestro, Lokua Kanza.

Jerome Mugabo, a local filmmaker, also released a movie dubbed ‘Gibraltar’ on December 12.
