Public library will promote reading culture

Editor, The move by Rotary Club Virunga in Kigali to open a public library, come March, 2011,  is commendable, because it will help promote a culture of reading among Rwandans.

Monday, December 27, 2010


The move by Rotary Club Virunga in Kigali to open a public library, come March, 2011,  is commendable, because it will help promote a culture of reading among Rwandans.

Reading in Rwanda and the rest of Africa is very low compared to our friends in western countries.

The debate on the declining reading culture in Rwanda, especially among young generation, has been a common topic among top scholars and the Ministry of Education.

Many questions have also been asked  as to who is responsible for the declining reading culture in the country.

Some blame the parents for not encouraging a reading culture. Instead of finding today’s kids in libraries reading to increase their chances of passing exams, they spend more time watching TVs or useless movies.

However, even those who try to read sometimes read wrong books. They read books authored by western writers, instead of reading African books.

Therefore, any move to promote reading, increase book sales or access books is a welcome development, which should be supported by all.

Parents, teachers, private sector, among others, should all actively encourage a reading culture.

Stella Teta