Business Perspective: Extending corporate handshake during christmas

A unique Christmas gift idea for the poor is something that most people neglect or overlook, but we forget to know that the poor would always be among us no matter what.

Monday, December 27, 2010

A unique Christmas gift idea for the poor is something that most people neglect or overlook, but we forget to know that the poor would always be among us no matter what.

We cannot run from the fact that we need to reach out to these people in our midst. Not just in homes, but even companies need to extend a loving hand during this season and help put a smile in somebody’s face during this time.

There are different ways in which companies can organize to help the less fortunate members of our society;

Cash: Someone is considered a poor person because he or she cannot afford some necessary things of this life, so when a company organizes to give out cash to the poor this Christmas you have actually touched the life of someone in a special way.

It not necessary need to be a huge amount of money, a small amount can be enough to put a smile on someone’s face.

Food items: Just because some of us can eat at all times does not mean that every one in our society can afford a three square meal.

The poor among us may not even have food for breakfast on Christmas morning, the food you send to this person or family would be so welcomed that you would be overwhelmed on how they would appreciate this kind of gesture from some considerate company.

To the poor you would be a God sent to remove their reproach on a special day like Christmas.

A company can decide to buy food stuffs in bulk and go around distributing to the less fortunate of our society.

Clothes: Some people have not changed clothes for years, months and sometimes when they do it may be used clothes from someone from the church or something.

So why not reach out to the poor, put a smile on their face with your unique Christmas gift, buy them clothes, or alternatively members of staff can be rounded and each asked to contribute some clothes they feel they want to give to a person who has none to wear, this way many clothes can be realized and even have enough to distribute to a larger group of people.

Since Christmas is all about sharing, make it worthwhile to these poor people around us, the clothes you buy for them could be their only hope of changing their clothes for years.

 Shoes: The poor also needs shoes, they can be left to be walking the street bare-footed even during the Christmas period.

You don’t have to go shopping for a designer shoe or an expensive shoe; you can buy some nice inexpensive and beautiful shoes and share it among the poor.

Members of staff can also be asked to contribute shoes which they don’t wear; some people have thousands of pairs of shoes lying in the homes without as much as being used. These shoes can also be distributed among the poor.

Visitation: Now this is the most interesting part, some of these poor people have no one visiting them especially on Christmas day; you can make a change in their lives by visiting them with the entire company employees just to make them feel that they are part of this world.

The gifts you send to them may not be enough to bring a positive smile on their faces. Remember this is a period of showing love to all including the poor.
Encouragement: Give them encouragement as you pay them a visit, make them to know that God loves them and that is why He has send them his only begotten son Jesus Christ whom we are celebrating during the Christmas season.

Let them know that all hope is not lost, that God is still perfecting his work in their lives even as we celebrate his coming into this world. 

Give them hope: Some of them may have lost hope, either to life or things around them, give them hope to live again by offering to sponsor one of the kids in school if it’s a couple with kids or even offering to get a job for him or her within the company, just anything that can put food daily on their table.  

The hand that gives is the hand that receives; giving good tidings to the less fortunate brings back hope and blessings to our companies in ways that we cannot count.