Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,I am a very lonely girl born without any siblings. I am an only child. I remember before I lost my parents, our family was very joyous during this festive season. We would go to church and, after, enjoy ourselves at home with both family and friends.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dear Aunt Silvia,
I am a very lonely girl born without any siblings. I am an only child. I remember before I lost my parents, our family was very joyous during this festive season. We would go to church and, after, enjoy ourselves at home with both family and friends.

My parents passed away seven years ago in a road accident and I have since remained alone with few relatives who really don’t care much about me, rarely do I get invited to share my Christmas with anyone.

I need to go out there and meet friends who will probably invite me, or is there a way that I can share my Christmas with the lonely like myself.

Dear Maya,

You are welcome to share Christmas with me and my family, am sure my mother will be the happiest person to know that I have invited another soul, and not just because you are starving, but because you need people to show you love, which is one of the most important tools in human’s life.

I remember last year when my mother invited over 20 orphans who came to our home and we shared the little that we had, they left very happy feeling loved- and we were very honoured to host them. This year we extend our love to you as well.

Christmas is a special day for us Christians since our Saviour was born by our much cherished Mother Mary, remember that Jesus was born in a stable and it was only through good Samaritans that he was born there otherwise he would have popped in the streets.

In this we are encouraged to always open our doors to whomever knocks, you never know who the person you are helping might turn out to be.

Some of us call ourselves Christians but in actual fact we are very far from being so, it takes nothing to share your plate of food with a  hungry person, or to share love with a another person who really needs it.

Look at your relatives this season and do not hate them, instead find within your heart to forgive and love them, no matter how cruel they are to you, they are the only living relatives you have in this world.

We are told that when you give love, more love is returned to you, you never know our new born saviour might touch their hearts this Christmas and return the same to you.

In the meantime I will give you my contacts and direction to my home so that you come and celebrate with us.