Secret life.. Apolline Karegeya

Apolline Karegeya is the Head of Urugaga Imbaraga- a farmers’ association in Musanze District that aims at helping farmers countrywide to effectively engage in advanced farming methods so as to profitably aim from their activities.  However, today he will tell us about himself.

Monday, December 27, 2010
Apolline Karegeya

Apolline Karegeya is the Head of Urugaga Imbaraga- a farmers’ association in Musanze District that aims at helping farmers countrywide to effectively engage in advanced farming methods so as to profitably aim from their activities.  However, today he will tell us about himself.

The first thing you do in the morning
I pray

When are you happiest?
When I succeed in my plans

Greatest fear
Disappointing people

Childhood memory
That time, at five years old, when I lost my elder brother

Affectionate memory of your parents
They loved and cherished me a lot

What keeps you awake at night?  
Whenever I am not satisfied with my performance in anything I do

The most important thing life has taught you
People should be equally respected

Greatest achievement
Buying myself a car from my farming activities

During your free time       
I read and take some time making consultations

Retirement plans
I will use my life experience to educate the youth based on what I will have achieved through my active life time.

Photo G Mugoya