A day in the life… Fiona Mbabazi

Fiona Mbabazi is a journalist (News presenter) at Rwanda Television (RTV). She says that although her work varies with the days` programme, going to the field is almost always part of the programme. Below she takes us through her day;

Monday, December 27, 2010
Fiona Mbabazi

Fiona Mbabazi is a journalist (News presenter) at Rwanda Television (RTV). She says that although her work varies with the days` programme, going to the field is almost always part of the programme. Below she takes us through her day;

I wake up at 6a.m and say a prayer before I go to the bathroom for refreshment. I then read a motivating book for about 30 minutes.

I then dress up and if time allows, I have breakfast before I head to work. By 8, I am at the work place.  I make sure I check and read news on the internet before attending the morning staff meeting.

Depending on the days` progarmme, I may either go to the field to cover a story or any other assignment that is related to my duties.

From the field, I make it a point to finish what I have to so as to make it for the time that I have to be on Air.

I some times have lunch after 1p.m. When I happen not to be in the field, I use the afternoon to plan for the next day.

The time I leave work is not fixed as it depends on what I have to accomplish before I call it a day.

However, if I make it on time I get home before 8. Having spent the whole day moving up and down, I just feel like resting until 9 when I have supper.

I normally say a night prayer before going to bed at 10p.m.

Photo G. Mugoya